MBBS MD MS PG-Diploma Admission (Management/NRI Quota Seats)

NOTE- Below given Blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.

(That doesn’t means all the colleges having Management quota Seats or Subjected to any Kind of authorization with us.)

India’s No.1 Contact us-08904723394Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

DMER Maharashtra MHCET 2016 Eligibility & Dates

Maharashtra MH CET 2016 Notification

Government of Maharashtra shall conduct “Common Entrance Test” MH-CET-2016 for Health Sciences degree courses (MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP, BP&O and BSc Nursing, B.V.Sc. & AH Courses) for 2016 session.
Entrance Test of MH-CET 2016 will be held on May 05th, 2016 at all the district headquarters in Maharashtra.

Eligibility Criteria for MH-CET 2016

Health Science Degree Courses: The applicant must be an Indian National. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Non Resident Indian (NRI)/Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible.
The applicant must be born on or before 31st Dec 1999 to be eligible to appear for MHCET-2016.
The birth certificate indicating name of the applicant, Secondary School Certificate i.e. SSC or equivalent examination certificate or School Leaving Certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute a valid proof.
The applicant should be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Preference form filling as per proforma.
The applicant should have passed the SSC or equivalent examination from an Institution situated in the state of Maharashtra.
The applicant should have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, from an Institution situated in the State of Maharashtra with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) at the time of admission.

Eligibility Criteria of Qualifying Exam for various courses:

MBBS/BDS/BAMS/BUMS: A applicant belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% (i.e. 150 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination.
A applicant belonging to constitutional reservation and constitutional reservation with Person with Disability claim must have obtained not less than 40% (i.e. 120 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination.
Person with Disability in General category must secure not less than 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Exam.
B.Sc Nursing: A applicant belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC (or equivalent) examination.
A applicant belonging to constitutional reservation must have obtained not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC(or equivalent) Exam.
BHMS, BPTh & BOTh, BASLP & BP&O Courses: Passing grade at HSC/12th Standard or equivalent examination is however necessary.
BHMS, BPTh, BOTh: Applicants who have pass HSC/12th Standard or equivalent examination with Physic, Chemistry & Biology is however necessary.
BASLP: Applicant who has passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Biology, Chemistry and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science is eligible.
BP&O: Applicant who has passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and / or Mathematics is eligible.
The applicant who is appearing for qualifying examination i.e. HSC (or equivalent exam) inFeb/Mar-2016 is eligible to appear for MH-CET-2016, however they must fulfill the eligibility condition at Para 4.5 at the time of filling up of the Preference Form.
BPMT: Applicants need not appear for MH-CET-2016 for BPMT course; admission to BPMT course will be done on the basis of HSC/12th Standard examination marks; the admission will conducted at institute level.

MHCET 2016 Application Dates

Online Registration & Filling of Application Form: March 01st to March 22nd 2016
Schedule for Fee Acceptance at SBI Bank, through Computer Generated Challan: March 03rdto March 28th 2016
Issue of Admit Cards (Online): April 25th to April 30th 2016
Date of ExaminationMay 05th 2016 (Thursday, 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)
Centre of Exam:  As indicated in Admit Card

Contact-0890 47 233 94 for Medical, MBBS, MD,MS,MDS, BDS, PG- Diploma, Engineering, B.tech, BE, ME, M.tech, B.Arch, Diploma Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India.

NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..

Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 890 47 233 94

NEIGRIHMS Shillong MBBS Entrance Exam 2016 | Applications

NEIGRIHMS Shillong MBBS Admission 2016 through Entrance Exam

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong has invited applications for admission to Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Program for the session 2016-17.

Distribution of Seats

Arunachal Pradesh (04); Meghalaya (09); Mizoram (03); Nagaland (08); NE (Open to all North Eastern States including Sikkim) (18*); Seats to be filled on the basis of Common All India Entrance Test by CBSE (08); Total – 50 Seats.

Eligibility Criteria

Nationality: Applicant must be a Resident Indian National and Permanent Resident/Domicile of one of the 8 (eight) Northeastern states of India including Sikkim.
The Applicant should have studied and completed their course in the schools located in India in the preceding two years.
He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2016 of the year of his/her admission to the 1st year MBBS.
The applicant should have passed the qualifying exams in the manner mentioned below:
  1. The Higher/ Senior Secondary Exam or the Indian School Certificate Exam, which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher/Senior Secondary Exam after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of such study comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany and Zoology) (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after introduction of the 10+2+3 educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education.
  2. The applicant must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology (or Botany and Zoology) and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Botany & Zoology at the qualifying exam.

Selection Criteria

Selection for admission to the 18 (eighteen) seats under the NE open seats category shall be based on the Entrance Examination to be held on the 28th May 2016 (Saturday).
Applicants securing less than 50% marks in aggregate in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry & Biology and English in aggregate in the Entrance Exam will not be considered for admission to the Institute and their names will not be included in the merit list.
Inter-se-merit: In the case of two or more applicants, securing equal marks in the Entrance Exam their inter-se merit shall be determined from the marks of the Entrance Exam as follows:
  • Eliminating first English marks
  • If there is still a tie by eliminating Physics marks
  • If there is still a tie by eliminating Chemistry marks
  • If there is still a tie by eliminating Botany marks
Syllabus: The questions for NEIGRIHMS MBBS Entrance Test 2016 will be based on the syllabus as prescribed by State Board/CBSE for XI & XII Standards for Science stream.
The Institute for the exam has prescribed no syllabus.
Test Centre: The applicant should indicate his/her choice of centre with due care and thought. Shillong, Kohima, Aizawl, Agartala, Imphal, Guwahati, Tezpur, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Gangtok, Itanagar, Silchar, Kolkata, Siliguri & Dimapur.
Choice of center opted by the applicants will be on first come first serve basis.

How to Apply?

Online Prospectus, Registration Forms and Application Forms are available 26th February 2016 to 31st March 2016 in the NEIGRIHMS website www.neigrihms.gov.in (No Printed Hard copy will be made available).
Choice of center opted by the applicants will be on first come first serve basis.
The Fee for online submission of complete Application Form includes the Exam Fees for Entrance Exam is Rs.1500/- (non-refundable) plus bank charges as applicable.
The applicant is required to go through the prospectus and guidelines carefully and acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling of the online Application Form.
It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that correct address, email address and mobile number is entered in the Application Form.
Procedure of Payment: The prescribed amount of Exam Fee Rs.1500/- plus charges as applicable may be deposited through Credit card/Debit card to “NEIGRIHMS MBBS ACCOUNT”.

Important Dates for MBBS 2016

Online Registration of Applications on NEIGRIHMS website opens: February 26th 2016
Registration of Applications closes on: March 31st 2016 (Thursday)
Status of Registration including in application as indicated: April 18th 2016
Last Date for complying with deficiencies in application as indicated: April 22nd 2016
Availability of Admit Cards on Institute’s website: May 09th 2016 (Monday) onwards
Date of Entrance Exam: May 28th 2016 (Saturday)
Expected date of Results of the Entrance Test: May 31st 2016
01st Counseling: July 22nd 2016
Commencement of the Session: August 01st 2016 (Monday)

Contact-0890 47 233 94 for Medical, MBBS, MD,MS,MDS, BDS, PG- Diploma, Engineering, B.tech, BE, ME, M.tech, B.Arch, Diploma Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India.

NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..

Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 890 47 233 94

DY Patil Kolhapur MBBS BSc Nursing Admissions 2016

All India Common Entrance Test 2016 will be held onMay 12th 2016 for admission to MBBS and B.Sc.(Nursing)

Dr DY Patil Kolhapur has invited applications from eligible applicants for All India Common Entrance Test 2016 for admission to MBBS and B.Sc Nursing Courses for 2016-17 sessions.
 Intake Capacity: MBBS – 150 and B.Sc (N) – 50.

Eligibility Criteria

MBBS Course: The applicants who have secured at least 50% marks in the AICET-2016 shall be considered eligible for provisional admission as per the Merit list.
The academic year shall commence from August 01st 2016 or on the date which will be declared on the day of admission.

Admission Procedure

General Category: Admissions to this category shall be made on the basis of the inter se merit of the applicants qualified at AICET 2016.
NRI/PIO/FN Category: A person belonging to this category is also required to appear for the AICET 2016; however, he/she shall submit a separate application, in the specifically prescribed form, available in the office of DY Patil Education Society Deemed University and on the University Website.
Test Centers: New Mumbai, Baroda, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Kolhapur, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Jaipur

How to Apply?

Interested applicants may obtain the prospectus and application form directly from Dr DY Patil Education Society (Deemed University) on payment of Rs.200/-.
In addition, one can also obtain the same from the designated centers (list is given on the official website of the University www.dypatilunikop.org).
The duly filled in application form along with a demand draft (DD) of Rs.1700/- (entrance test fee) drawn in favor of Registrar, DY Patil Education Society (Deemed University), payable at Kolhapur and all requisite documents should be submitted in person or sent to DY Patil Education Society (Deemed University), DY Patil Vidyanagar, Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur, Maharashtra-416006.

Fees for Online Application Form

Online Form & Test Fee: Rs.1700/- , With Late Fee: Rs.2700/-
With Additional Late Fee: Rs.4200/- (only Kolhapur Centre)

Important Dates for MBBS & BSc Nursing Admission 2016

Last dates for Submitting the Application Form:
  • Without Late Fees: April 30th 2016 upto 05.00 pm
  • With Late Fees: May 05th 2016 upto 05.00 pm
  • With additional Late Fees: May 08th 2016 upto 05.00 pm for Kolhapur Center only.
Download Admit Cards: May 05th 2016
Date and time of AICET 2016: May 12th 2016 (Thursday from 11.00 am to 2 .00 pm)
College to open on August 01st 2016
Contact-0890 47 233 94 for Medical, MBBS, MD,MS,MDS, BDS, PG- Diploma, Engineering, B.tech, BE, ME, M.tech, B.Arch, Diploma Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India.

NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..

Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 890 47 233 94

MMU Mullana MBBS BDS Admission 2016 | MMUCET Dates

Maharishi Markandeshwar University Mullana MBBS BDS Admission 2016
Maharishi Markandeshwar University (MMU) Mullana has invited applications for admission to 4 years followed by 1 year compulsory rotatory internship Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and 5 years including 1 year compulsory rotatory internship Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) programs for 2016 sessions.

Number of Seats

MM Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Mullana-Ambala (MBBS Course): 150-Sanctioned Intake.
MM College of Dental Sciences & Research, Mullana-Ambala (BDS Course): 100-Sanctioned Intake.
3% seats for the above will be filled up by applicants with Locomotive Disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70%; the applicants for admisson against NRI seats are not required to appear in the entrance test schedule for admission against NRI seats will be notified separately.

Eligibility Criteria

The country as well as foreign Nationals/NRIs is eligible to appear in MMUCET 2016provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria for admission to MBBS & BDS courses as per the rules and regulations of the MCI/DCI and the MM University. However, the applicants, who have appeared in the 10+2 exam, are also eligible to appear in the entrance test.
He/she will attain the age of 17 years or more on 31st December 2016. The age shall be determined as per entry in the Matriculation/Higher Secondary or its equivalent exam certificate.
Applicants must have passed Senior School Certificate Exam (10+2) of Board of School Education, Haryana or an Exam as equivalent thereto with five subjects from any recognized board/university with at least 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together (45% for applicants with Locomotive Disability of lower limbs) and must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually in the qualifying examination. The student also required to have passed in other subjects of 10+2 exam.
Placed in the merit list prepared as a result of this Competitive Entrance Test by securing not less than 50% marks (45% in the case of applicants with locomotive Disability of lower limbs).
Applicant must produce a Medical Fitness Certificate from a Medical Board constituted/approved by the Principal, MM Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Mullana. The candidature of a applicant found medically unfit is liable to be cancelled.

Selection Procedure

Applicants will be selected on the basis of their performance in the Maharishi Markandeshwar University Common Entrance Test (MMUCET 2016) conducted by the University.
The paper will include objective type questions (30 each from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology).
There will be a total of 120 objective type questions; the paper shall carry a maximum of 360 marks.
Only objective type questions will be included in the entrance test. Each incorrect response will be negatively marked and the applicant will get one-third discredit for it.

Fee Details

For MBBS Courses – Rs 990,000/- per annum & Rs 90,000/- (for development charges per annum)
For BDS Courses – Rs 225,000/- per annum & Rs 20,000/- (for development charges per annum)
**The above rates of fee for MBBS/BDS are excluding one time Registration Fee of Rs 40,000/- and University Charges @ Rs 18300/- per year; and hostel charges will be extra

How to Apply?

The Prospectus-cum-Application Form can be downloaded from the website www.mmumullana.org
Applicants should not fill in more than one application form for the MMUCET-2016 falling which his/her all the applications will be rejected without any further notice.
Before filling up the Application Form, the applicant must familiarize himself/herself with the information given in this Prospectus and shall satisfy his/her eligibility to appear in the entrance test.
The application form duly completed in all respects must be sent through Regd./Speed post to the Covener of MMUCET-2016, Admission Office, Administrative Block, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana-Ambala (Haryana), 133-207.

Important Dates for MMUCET 2016

Last Date of Receiving Filled in Application FormsApril 30th 2016 (Saturday)
Dispatch of Admit CardsMay 18th 2016 (Wednesday)
Distribution of Duplicate Admit Cards: May 26th 2016 (09.00 am to 04.00 pm)
Date of MMUCET: May 29th 2016 (Sunday, 02.00 pm to 03.45 pm)
Venue of Entrance Test: Ambala, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jalandhar, Dehradun, Jaipur, Lucknow and Bhopal

Contact-0890 47 233 94 for Medical, MBBS, MD,MS,MDS, BDS, PG- Diploma, Engineering, B.tech, BE, ME, M.tech, B.Arch, Diploma Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India.

NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..

Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 890 47 233 94