MBBS MD MS PG-Diploma Admission (Management/NRI Quota Seats)

NOTE- Below given Blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.

(That doesn’t means all the colleges having Management quota Seats or Subjected to any Kind of authorization with us.)

India’s No.1 Contact us-08904723394Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

MM Medical College and Hospital Kumarhatti Solan HP

MMU, Solan located in Himachal Pradesh (H.P)

MM Medical College & Hospital, Kumarhatti-Solan has been approved by Medical Council of India under Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Kumarhatti-Solan (HP). The Medical College is equipped with excellent state of the art facilities which have excellent full blown hospital with the all facilities. The hospital provides the services to the needy, downtrodden and sick people in rural area of Himachal Pradesh. The Hospital also caters to the need of medically compromised patients and also for various haematological disorders.
The Medical College offers under graduate course in medicine (MBBS). The college is pioneer in the country to introduce problem based learning in Medical subjects. The college has a well equipped infrastructure.
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana – Ambala, erstwhile known as Maharishi Markandeshwar Education Trust was founded with the objective of social, educational and economic upliftment of society in the year 1993, in the name of Lord Shiva’s devotee, “Maharishi Markandeshwar Ji“. MM University Trust, Mullana – Ambala has become a symbol of quality education in technical, professional and medical streams in northern India and has been carrying on its lineage for over 23 years.

About MM Medical College and Hospital Kumarhatti Solan HP (Medical Science & Research)
Established in 2003, M. M. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research is the first self financing private Medical Institution in the State of Haryana, having highly qualified faculty, quality infrastructure and magnificent buildings with lush green campus.
The Medical Institute offers both under graduate (MBBS) and post graduate (MD/ MS) courses in Medical Sciences. All these courses are duly recognized by MCI. All departments have highly qualified and experienced faculty. The Institute has well equipped Laboratories, Lecture halls, Media Center, an Air-Conditioned Library and Auditorium.
The Institute has a hospital with 1020 beds including 830 teaching beds. The hospital has intensive care units, equipped with all resuscitation and monitoring equipment. There are special ICUs for Neonates and for Coronary Care. The hospital has well equipped Operation Theatres for all types of surgeries including Neuro Surgery, Urology, Pediatric Surgery, Endoscopic Surgeries and Joint Replacement. The Labour Room is established for conduct of all types of deliveries. The hospital has a state of the Art Cardiology Centre with facilities for interventional cardiology. The Gastro Enterology department has facilities for ERCP and endoscopy guided interventions. The Radiodiagnosis and imaging department is equipped with state of the Art 1.5 tesla MRI, 128 Slice MDCT, Digital X-Ray.
Echocardiography and Mammography. The hospital laboratory is equipped to conduct all lab investigation including clinical Pathology, Hematology, Biochemistry and Microbiology. The hospital also has a Blood Bank with a component for lab, a Dialysis Unit and a Burns Unit. The hospital is empanelled by Govt. of Haryana and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna.

MM Medical College & Hospital Kumarhatti Located in Solan (Himachal Pradesh)

Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College will seek to be a center of excellence in medicaleducation, research, and healthcare services at the national and international level.
The institute in pursuit of its vision will provide outstanding educational experience, in all the disciplines of Medicine and allied Health Sciences, in a supportive environment of scholarship, research, integrity, critical thinking and self directed learning. It will provide comprehensive, culturally sensitive, community oriented Health care to individuals and families.
The vision and mission of the institute will be accomplished using the values of congeniality, openness, inclusiveness and community involvement at a local and global level.
The Institute, being located in rural area, the hospital provides services to the economically weaker sections of the society at affordable rates. The hospital also holds outreach activities regularly in the form of Medical Camps, Eye Camps, Medical Checkup Camps for school children and Health Education talks. The Institute also works in close collaboration with Government Agencies in carrying out various National Health Programs.
The Institute takes keen interest in research activities. Each department has its own Research Laboratory to help the faculty and students in their research endeavors. In additions the Institute has a well equipped central research lab to co-ordinate and guide all research activities. The Institute is constantly striving to achieve excellence in all aspects and is committed to develop competent professionals to practice medicine with compassion.

Contact-8904723394 for Medical, MBBS, MD, MS - PG Diploma , BDS and all medical courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394 

KCET 2016

Karnataka Common Entrance Test KCET 2016

KCET 2016 Revised Exam Date Exam Fees Eligibility Exam Pattern Result

The Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) is held by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) for granting admissions to various undergraduate and professional courses of Medicine and Homeopathy.
Courses covered under KCET 2016:
  • Medical/Dental (MBBS/BDS)
  • Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy, and Yoga (ISM & H)
  • Engineering/Technology (BE/BTech)
  • Architecture (B Arch)
  • BSc in Agriculture, Forestry, Sericulture, Agri-Biotech, Horticulture, Home Science
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
  • BTech in Food Tech, Dairy Technology, Fisheries Science, Food Science and Technology, Ag Marketing and Co-operation and Agricultural Engineering
The exam for the same is scheduled to take place on May 4 and 5 across 52 centres of the state. As per a website report, around 1.5 lakh candidates have registered for the exam. The candidates can submit the duly filled application forms by April.
KCET Exam pattern
This two day test will be conducted in four different sessions for four subjects. On the first day, Biology and Mathematics examination will be conducted in two sessions. On the next day, Physics and Chemistry examination will be conducted in two sessions. Each question paper will carry 60 marks and will be provided a time duration of 80 minutes to be completed.

List of examination centers of 2016:

KCET 2016 Entrance Exam Dates Application Exam Center
KCET 2016 Important dates
Payment of application fees at bank: March 8 to March
Last Date for submission of KEA Copy of challan at school/colleges: March
Application availability at schools/colleges or speed post: on or after March
Last date for receipt of KCET 2016 application form: April
KCET 2016: 4th & 5th May
Result: May end, 2016 tentatively
  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Karnataka including the wards of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants for registration for the “Common Entrance Test- 2016” for admissions to professional courses for the seats to be notified by the Government in the Professional Educational Institutions in the state of Karnataka for the academic year 2016-17.
  • Non-academic Eligibility For CET
Academic Eligibility:
Sl NoFor Admission to Firstt yearQualifying Exam EligibilityKCET Exam EligibilityCriteria for determining rank
1Medical/Dental (MBBS/BDS)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 50% marks in aggregrate in PCB subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Minumum of 50% marks in aggregate in PCB Subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCB Subjects in CET
2Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga coursesPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 50% marks in aggregrate in PCB subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCB subjects.
3Engineering / Technology (BE/BTech)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 45% marks in aggregrate in Physics, Maths along with Chemistry/BioTech/Biology/Electronics/Computer subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCB subjects.
4Architecture (BArch)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with Mathematics subject and a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in all the subjects (45% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Minimum of 40% marks in NATA for all categories of students including SC, ST and other backward classes.By taking marks in equal proportions in NATA and all subjects in QE.
5BSc (Agriculture, Forestry, Sericulture, Agri Biotech, Horticulture), BHSc (Home Science)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCB as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects.
6Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal HusbandryPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std and a minimum of 50% marks in PCB and English subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksOnly on basis of marks obtained in PCB in CET
7BTech (Food Tech, Diary Tech, Food Science & Tech), BFSc (Bachelor of Fisheries Science) and BSc (Ag. Marketing & Coop)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCMB as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCMB subjects.
8BTech (Agriculture)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCM as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects.
9B-PharmaPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCB or PCM and obtained a minimum of 45% of marks in aggregate PCM/PCM (40% for SC, ST, Cat 1,2A,2B,3A and 3B category candidates) OR
Passed in Diploma in Pharmacy Exam from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under Section 12 of the Pharamacy Act and has secured a minumum of 45% marks (40% for SC, ST, etc)
No minimum marksOnly on basis of marks obtained in PCM or PCB sujects (whicheve is higher) in CET.
  • A candidate who had obtained a seat in any discipline through the KEA (CET Cell) in any of the previous years will not be eligible to appear for the Common Entrance Test-2016 for selection of a seat in the same discipline. Such candidate will immediately forfeit the seat selected by him during the previous years, upon selection of a seat in a different discipline during the year.
  • The minimum passing marks for a Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadiga candidate shall be 12 out of 50 marks in the Kannada Language Examination conducted by the KEA in order to be considered for assignment of ranks and to be eligible for allotment of seats in CET-2016 (The Kannada Language Test paper will be of 4th Standard)
  • In the case of Agriculturist Quota, the merit list will be prepared based on 25% marks each, secured in concerned combinations in II year PUC science & CET and 50% marks secured in the Practical Test. In case of B.V.Sc & AH merit will be prepared based on 50% of Marks secured in CET (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and 50% of marks scored in the practical test.

CET 2016 Timetable

4 May 2016Biology6010:30 AM  to  11:50 AM
4 May 2016Mathematics6002:30 PM  to  03:50 PM
5 May 2016Physics6010:30 AM  to 11:50 AM
5 May 2016Chemistry602:30 AM  to 3:50 PM
5 May 2016Practical Exam for Agriculturalist Quota *20010:00 AM onwards
* Minimum of 50% marks in Practical Examination is required to claim seat under Agriculturalist Quota. Exam will be on Identificaion of Agriculture-related specimens. Agriculturist Quota is applicable only for Under Graduate courses detailed in Academic Eligibility section, Sl No 5, 6, 7, 8 above. Practical exam will be conducted in Bidar, Bagalkot, Dharwad, Shimoga and Bangalore.
Kannada Language Test – only in Bangalore
6 May 2016Both Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadiga candidates5011:30 AM  to 12:30 PM

KCET Application Form
The KCET 2016 application form will be available online only through from the official website of the Karnataka Examination Authority KEA. Before filling-up form, the Students have to fill the personal details for application form. Registration process of application including the personal details, recent photo, signature and exam fees remitting will be done via online only.
KCET Exam Fees:
The aspirant have to fill the application fee as follows
Rs. 650/- for general category
Rs. 500/- for reserved categories including SC/ST/OBC
Rs. 750/- for candidates residing outside of Karnataka state
Rs. 5000/- for candidates residing outside country
All payment made through the e-challan at the prescribed mentioned banks.
The candidates are advice to keep all necessary documents in print form, which may include the print out of their application form for further use. Once candidates will make the online declaration while kcet application process, no changes will be done after.
Admit Card
Candidates may get their KCET2016 Admit Card on tentatively on 2nd week of April 2016 through the official site of the authority. The admit card can be download after entering the full name and date of birth. The candidates ought to carry their admit card to the examination hall. Admit card mentioned with the time, date of exam and venue of examination and personal details of candidates including roll number.
Probably the KCET result will declare on the last week of May 2016, the result of KCET will be released on the official site of the KEA. KCET rank list can be find by entering the Full name and roll number of the candidate date of Birth candidate can be download KCET 2016 rank link. The result will be made according to the rule and regulation of KEA.
KEA Conduct online counselling
The counselling process will be start once result will be published. Counselling date will announce and the kcet counselling process will start from the 2nd week of the month of June 2016. All CET passed aspirants will be eligible for counselling. All academic, category and other documents must be available during the counselling. the counselling process will be done via online mode only.

Contact-8904723394 for Medical, MBBS, MD, MS - PG Diploma , BDS and all medical courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394 


JIPMER MBBS Entrance Examination Recent Exam Notification

JIPMER MBBS Entrance Exam 2016 important information

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER)
Dhanvantri Nagar,
Pin – 605006
(An institution of National Importance),
MBBS Admission Notice Session 2016 – 2017
JIPMER MBBS courses July 2016-2017 session
Applications are invited from resident Indian nationals for admission to MBBS course (number of seats 150) for the year 2016 through online entrance examination.
Online registration opening date is  March 2016
Eligibility Conditions
Essential: Applicant must be a resident Indian national; should have studied and completed his/her course In the schools located In India in the preceding two years.
Applicants should have been born on or before 01st January, 2000
Educational Qualification:
Applicant should have passed higher/senior secondary examination (10+2) with minimum 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology and a pass in English for UR and 45% for UR-OPH and 40% for SC/ST/OBC
JIMPER Entrance examination:
JIPMER uses computer based test (CBT) administration (MCQ) for merit listing the candidates for the above admission.
Candidate has to appear for entrance examination to be conducted by JIPMER In 14 centres around the country on Shedule exam date June, 2016, 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
For detailed information log on to www.jipmer.edu.in

JIPMER Important dates

On line registration opening date is  March 2016
Closing date for receipt of online completed applications: May, 2016
Online Entrance examination: June, 2016, 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
JIPMER Seats Distribution:
UR 50;
OBC 28;
SC 16;
ST 11;
P-UR 23;
P-OBC 11;
P-SC 06,
NRI / OCI (Under Self Financing Scheme) – 5

JIPMER 2016 Application Form
Aspirants can apply only through an Online Application Form which will be available upto May, 2016 . The JIPMER MBBS prospectus containing eligibility criteria, educational qualification, process of online application, payment of fees, etc. can be viewed / downloaded from JIPMER Website.
Last date of submission of print out of Online application form: May, 2016
Helpline desk JIPMER 0413-2296102/2296104/2296105,
Fax 0413-2272066,
Email jipmer_academic@yahoo.co.in

JIPMER Examination Centers List:

North Zone (7 cities)
Greater Noida
South Zone (17 cities)
Bengaluru (Bangalore)
East Zone (8 cities)

West Zone (4 cities)
Gandhi Nagar

Contact-8904723394 for Medical, MBBS, MD, MS - PG Diploma , BDS and all medical courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394 

Delhi University MBBS BDS Admission Updates

DU MBBS/BDS 2016 admissions to be based on AIPMT scores

Delhi University MBBS BDS Admission Updates 2016

DU FMSC MBBS / BDS Admission 2016
In 2016 The Delhi University (D.U) will not conduct any separate entrance examination for admissions to MBBS and BDS courses.
For academic session 2016-17 the University of Delhi (DU), Faculty of Medical Sciences  (FMSC) has invited applications for admissions to Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) programmes
MBBS/BDS Course commencing from the session 2016 – 2017
Delhi University MBBS and BDS Admission on the basis of score obtain in All India Pre Medical Test – AIPMT 2016.
As we all know AIPMT conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) already announced AIPMT 2016 Exam Date which is going to held on Sunday May 1, 2016

So this year The Delhi University will not conduct a separate medical entrance exam for Under Graduate Medical admissions – MBBS/BDS courses.
Previously DU Carried own medical entrance exam called Delhi university medical Test (DUMET) in present year 2016. Delhi University (DU), Faculty of Medical Sciences Now invited applications for admissions to MBBS/BDS programmes commencing from the session 2016-2017.
DU has also notified that the admissions to MBBS/BDS Courses will be made on the basis of the marks obtained in All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT) 2016 conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The Delhi University will not conduct a separate entrance examination for admissions to MBBS/BDS courses.
CBSE will be conducting AIPMT on May 1, 2016. AIPMT is a national level annual medical entrance examination. The test is conducted for admissions to MBBS and BDS courses in several medical colleges across the country.
DUMET 2016 – Delhi University Medical Dental Entrance Test (DUMET)
DUMET 2016 Exam has been replaced by AIPMT
Find Out More Here

The Delhi University offers MBBS/BDS programmes in 4 colleges under Faculty of Medical Sciences . The colleges that offer the MBBS / BDS programme are as follows:

Lady Hardinge Medical College

Lady Hardinge Medical College is a Medical College for women located in New Delhi. Established in 1916, it became part of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi in 1950. It is among the top medical institutions in India. Source Wikipedia
Address: C-604, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road,
Diz Area, Connaught Place,
New Delhi, Delhi 110001
Enrollment: 242 (2008)
Phone: 011 2336 3728
Hardinge Medical College is the only college which provides training to undergraduate women students.

Mulana Azad Medical College

The Maulana Azad Medical College is a government medical college in Delhi affiliated to University of Delhi. It is named after Indian freedom fighter and first education minister of independent India Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Source Wikipedia
Address: 2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi, Delhi 110002
Phone: 011 2323 9273
Founded: 1956

University College of Medical Sciences

University College of Medical Sciences along with Maulana Azad Medical College and Lady Hardinge Medical College – forms the trifecta of Medical Institutes affiliated to the University of Delhi in Delhi, India. Source Wikipedia
Address: Dilshad Garden,
New Delhi, Delhi 110095
Phone: 011 2258 2106
Founded: 1971

Mulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences

Address: Mirdard Marg,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
Maulana Azad Medical College Campus,
New Delhi, Delhi 110002
Phone:011 2323 3925
For more updates, the candidates can visit the official website of Faculty of Medical Sciences.

Contact-8904723394 for Medical, MBBS, MD, MS - PG Diploma , BDS and all medical courses Admissions Guidance Through Management Quota, NRI Quota or No-Donation in top Private colleges or top b-school In India
NOTE:-Above Advertisement is Information regarding Admission guidance to various e private colleges in India
(That does not mean that all the colleges listed above have got management seats or Any authorization with us and also in no way concerned with this advertisement. People may seek out information from this advertisement that they find agreeable, either from the viewpoint of informative and easy to make use of or from the viewpoint of having content that match individual’s need. It is decision of viewer contacting us. **** it is our request to the concerned authority of the listed colleges and any third party that if you find any defamatory language, lying, exaggerating,  copyrighted materials and other such practices, kindly let us notify soon as immediate reforms shall be made.***   )

Disclaimer - the above information has been acquired through data available on the internet and is subject to change..
Admission Guidance --   Help Line No- 8904723394