M.Sc Nursing CET for 2015 Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) invites applications for admissions to M.Sc Nursing for 2015 session through entrance exam which will be held on 22nd April 2015
No. of Seats: 10 Seats
Duration of the Course: M.Sc Nursing course is two years full time course
1. Only Indian Nationals Can Apply.
QualificationB. Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc Nursing IGNOU / Any Recognized University With min. 55% aggregate marks and registered with State Nursing Council.
Experience1 year experience is Mandatory In a Hospital / Nursing Institution / Community Health setting

How to Apply:
2. All interested candidates having the eligibility criteria as above would be required to apply ONLINE only through the link on our website. All the entries in the form should be clear, legible and correct. Thereafter the filled application should be saved. Please do not try to alter the form in any way. Candidates are advised to print the application form on one side of the paper only.
The application must be accompanied with self attested copies of all the mark sheets / certificates /degrees / registration certificate and other documents (from 10th to B. Sc. (Nursing).

Candidates in-service must apply through proper channel
4. The completed and signed application form with all necessary enclosures should be mailed to the Office of the Director, Academics, Homi Bhabha Block Building, 13th floor, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 on or before 31ST March 2015 by Registered/Speed Post only. The envelope containing the application should be superscripted “APPLICATION FOR M.Sc. NURSING COURSE. Applications sent by Fax, E-Mail, Photocopies or any other form will not be entertained.
5. Duly completed application must be accompanied with a Demand Draft payable at Mumbai for Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only) drawn in favour of “Tata Memorial Centre, Parel, Mumbai”
6. Demand Draft submitted with this form includes examination fees and is not refundable in any case.
7. Incomplete applications will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Applications received after the last date will be rejected, and no grounds for delay including postal delay will be entertained.
8. All passport size photographs must be identical, snapped with front profile, showing full head, face, and shoulder and with both ears and taken without wearing any Cap/Hat/Sun glasses. Polaroid photos are not accepted. Photograph must be taken on or after 1st January 2015.
9. PDF version of the admit card shall be sent by email only to the candidates. If an eligible candidate does not receive the admit card, he/she may contact the Office of the Director, Academics, Homi Bhabha Block Building, 13th floor, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 on or before 15th April 2015. Candidates can print this PDF version and produce it at the CET venue along with a proof of identification to collect the original admit card.
10.Only those with original admit card will be allowed inside the CET examination hall.
11.There will be MCQ (100 marks) to be completed in 100 minutes, Group discussion (30 marks) to be completed in 30 minutes and VIVA 20 marks. Total marks 150.
12.Candidates who are amongst the top – three times the number of seats available (minimum 50% marks) in the MCQ & Group discussion will be called for the Viva.
13.Final merit list will be based on the total scores obtained out of a maximum of 150 marks Which will be derived by adding 130 marks (MCQ & Group discussion) and 20 marks (Viva)
Topics wise marks:
14.Oncology Nursing – 30 marks, General Nursing – 20 marks, General English – 15 marks, Maths – 15 marks and General knowledge – 20 marks.
15.The Viva shall be conducted using a structured format. (Refer Annexure-I).
There will be minimum of Five Examiners out of which one will be an External Examiner.
16.The candidates will be selected for admission strictly based on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test, Group discussion and Viva.
17.In case of equal cut-off marks in the CET, (MCQ & GD) all the candidates with the same marks shall be shortlisted for the Viva.
18. In case of equal marks in the final total the candidate with maximum experience in Oncology will be preferred and in the event of tie again, then maximum CET (MCQ & GD) marks will be considered.
College Tuition Fees Rs. 70,000/- p.a.
Registration Fees Rs. 5,500/-
Admission Fees Rs. 2,000/-
Appraisal Fees Rs. 1,000/- p.a.
Security Deposit Rs. 5,000/-
Exam Fees Rs. 1,000/-
Total Fees Rs. 84,500/-
19. The selected candidates will have to send their acceptance in writing by 2nd June 2015 failing which next wait listed candidate will be called. & they should pay their fees before 20th June, 2015. The course will start from 22th June 2015
20.The M. Sc. Nursing course is two years full time course.
21.The admission and continuance of Registration of the candidate shall be subject to the HBNI Act, Statutes, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations and orders as may be applicable from time to time.
22.The decisions of the Director, TMC, Tata Memorial Centre, and Board of Studies Health Sciences, HBNI in all the matters of admission / registration shall be final and binding on the Candidate
23.Mere submission of application and appearing and qualifying in the examination will not entitle for the candidates to claim the admission in any of the above course. The candidates should note that if it is found that he / she is not eligible, the Director(Academics) Office will not issue the Admit Card or grant final admission and will not take any responsibility in this regard.
24.No TA / DA will be admissible for attending the written test and joining the course.
25.Candidate will have to submit all original documents at the time of admission.
Candidates are advised to print the application form on one side of the paper only.
CET - MCQ 100 marks, Group discussion 30 marks and Viva 20 marks.
Candidates will be shortlisted purely on the basis of CET marks. The number of candidates shortlisted will be three times the number of seats available.
INTERVIEW (VIVA) - 20 marks.
Candidates will be assessed for knowledge, attitude, skills, commonly practiced protocols, current evidence and recent advances in Nursing.
LAST DATE for receipt of completed application form in the office of the Director-Academics, TMC - 31st March 2015
Date of written examination – 21st April 2015
Date of Viva – 22nd April 2015
Date of Result – 24th April 2015
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